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B.ta Fornace, 20/d 12064 La Morra (CN) ITALY e-mail Sciccherie - P.Iva IT 03099370045 - Note Legali

   For companies we study personalization with our items, from leather to wood, to pottery and we are able to plan new optimal solution for your reality.

   We give to everybody the possibility to do a gift from faraway, from a wedding list to a simple present for an occasion lived from far-off, a real item or a ‘’value’’ which leaves freedom whom receives it, to choose what is at most liking.

   The study and realization of Graphic Art for the personalization of your invitation, wedding card, wishes, brochures and everything else is connected to the artistic beauty of our country. The organization of cultural events, exhibition, demonstrations, theme days ,where the Artists have the chance to spread and present to the public, through our structure, the work ,the research and the path they took.